Exporting Results
Along with the ability to execute a query directly to a file, you can also export query results to CSV or TSV files.
· Exporting Results to CSV
After a query is successfully executed, you can export the results in the Comma Separated Value format (.csv) to a file outside Aginity:
- Right-click anywhere in the results panel to display a context menu. Then select the Export to CSV option.
- You'll see a screen that permits you to select a location to save your results. Identify the proper folder and press the Save button to complete the export.
- Later, you can import CSV files into numerous other programs for further review and analysis.
· Exporting Results to TSV
A tab-separated values file (.tsv) is a simple text format for storing data in a tabular structure, e.g., database table or spreadsheet data. Additionally, it's a way of exchanging information between databases. Each record in the table represents one line of the text file.
The exporting steps are the same as with the CSV case. You only need to select the Export to TSV option.
🔎Note: If you want the thousands and decimals delimiters set in the settings to be applied when exporting query results, select the 'Use the specified delimiters when exporting to a file' checkbox.
Otherwise, numeric values will be exported without the thousands separator and . (dot) will be used to separate decimals.