Connecting to Databricks
1. To add a new connection, navigate to the File tab and click on Edit Connections, or press [⌘ + O] | [Ctrl + O].
2. In the dialog box, click the Add icon (➕) next to the Connections header and select Databricks.
3. To finish creating a connection, enter valid data in the fields of the New connection dialog.
- Connection name – Replace the default New Connection with a meaningful value.
- Database JDBC DRIVER – Specify user drivers for the data source, or click the 'download them' link below this field settings area. For detailed instructions on setting up drivers, see Add a user driver to an existing connection. If you want to download Databricks JDBC driver manually, please make sure you get it from official Databricks website:
- Host – Enter the hostname from your Databricks SQL Warehouse / Compute Cluster settings. You can follow official Databricks documentation to get instruction on getting connection details for your cluster:
- Port – Connection port
- Protocol - Connection network protocol (https)
- HTTP Path - Connection HTTP Path
- Personal access token - Personal access token used for user authentication. You can get in "User Settings" from Databricks cloud console.
- Catalog - Select the catalog to connect to in your Databricks cluster.
- Advanced Properties – Supply additional JDBC parameters if needed.
- Pre-Execution Script - Specify SQL script that should be executed right after JDBC connection has been established. This might be useful to specify some additional configuration properties via "set" statements. Please consult with Databricks documentation to see list of supported options for SQL Warehouse:
4. Click Test to ensure that the connection to the data source is successful.
5. Click Save. A newly created connection will be displayed in your Database Explore panel just right under the Connections header.
🔎 NOTE: If you need more advanced information on how to set up a Databricks connection, please, contact us through