IBM Netezza

Connecting to IBM Netezza is easy. Here are the steps:

  1. To add a new connection, navigate to the File tab and click on Edit Connections, or press [⌘ + O] | [Ctrl + O].
  2. In the dialog box, click the Add icon (➕) next to the Connections header and select Netezza.

3. To finish creating a connection, enter valid data in the fields of the New connection dialog.


  • Connection name – Replace the default New Connection with a meaningful value.
  • Database JDBC DRIVER – Aginity will download your driver by default.
  • Host – Enter the hostname of your Netezza server.
  • Port – The default value is
  • User and Password – Enter your Netezza credentials.
  • Database – Select the database to connect to.
  • Security level (SSL) – You have several options to set up the SSL mode:
  1. Only Unsecured – An unsecured connection to Netezza if the system accepts it (the default value).
  2. Preferred Unsecured – An unsecured connection with an option to accept a secured connection if the Netezza system requires it.
  3. Preferred Secured – A secured connection to the Netezza system with an option to accept an unsecured connection if the Netezza system requires it.
  4. Only Secured – A strictly secured connection to Netezza if the system accepts it.
  • Autocommit – The default value is True.

🔎 TIP: If you need more details on Autocommit, check this link

  • Connection timeout (sec) – The default value is 120. Specify another timeout, if needed, to tell the session when to disconnect.
  • Advanced Properties – Supply additional JDBC parameters if needed.
  1. Click Test to ensure that the connection to the data source is successful.
  2. Click Save. A newly created connection will be displayed in your Database Explore panel just right under the Connections header.

🔎 NOTE:  If you need more advanced information on how to set up a Netezza connection, please, contact us through

🔎 TIP:  For more information on SSL, visit the Netezza guide


Netezza Stored Procedure and Function Parser

We learn to recognize the routine-like code as a single statement. Starting from Coginiti v22.03, running a script with multiple procedures or triggers (or any entity with a semicolon inside) is possible in all supported modes: at cursor, in a sequence, and as batch. Even if ‘$’ or ‘$$’ is present as part of the entity text, you don’t need to switch parameter parsing off. Moreover, you can specify parameters or session variables inside the statement.

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