Authentication Types by platform supported in Coginiti Pro and Coginiti Team

Platform Authentication
Coginiti Pro Coginiti Team
Azure SQL Database Standard Standard
Active Directory Password Active Directory Password
Azure Synapse SQL Standard Standard
Active Directory Password Active Directory Password
BigQuery Service Account Service Account
User Account User Account
DB2 Warehouse Standard Standard
Generic Standard. It's possible to set any Auth Type as long as JDBC handles it on its own. Standard. It's possible to set any Auth Type as long as JDBC handles it on its own. An exception is Auth Types that use 3rd party authentication.
Greenplum Standard Standard
Hive Standard (with or without Kerberos) Standard (with or without Kerberos)
Netezza Standard Standard
Postgres Standard Standard
Redshift Standard Standard
AWS Profile -
AWS IAM Credentials AWS IAM Credentials
Identity Provider Federation: Microsoft Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) Identity Provider Federation: Microsoft Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS)
Identity Provider Federation: PingFederate SSO (PingFederate) Identity Provider Federation: PingFederate SSO (PingFederate)
Identity Provider Federation: PingFederate MFA -
Identity Provider Federation: Okta SSO (Okta) Identity Provider Federation: Okta SSO (Okta)
Identity Provider Federation: Okta MFA -
Identity Provider Federation: Microsoft Azure Active Directory SSO (Azure AD) Identity Provider Federation: Microsoft Azure Active Directory SSO (Azure AD)
Identity Provider Federation: Microsoft Azure Active Directory MFA (Azure AD MFA) -
Snowflake Standard Standard
- OAuth
SQL Server Standard Standard
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