Our Database Explorer panel is a helpful feature for easily and quickly navigating and processing all the database objects in the Connections you have created in Coginiti.
- To work with the Database Explorer, you need properly set up Connections. For a detailed guide on how to do it, please, visit our support section on creating creating Connections.
- Then, to start using the Database Explorer, go to the application's left-hand panel as shown below and click on the Database Explorer tab. After that, you can drill into each existing connection.
- Once you have established a connection to a database and it works properly, you can now browse this database object tree. Such trees typically contain tables, columns, views, and other objects available to process from the Query Panel.
- To load all database objects and begin your exploration, left-click on the (
) symbol near a connection. It will unfold the object tree for this particular connection.
🔎 TIP 1: If you have some problems with your connection (e.g., it's marked in red color),
please, check our topic on how to work with Connections in Coginiti.
🔎 TIP 2: You can also use the Catalog browser tab to navigate SQL Assets
that you’ve saved for re-use.
Database Filtering
We developed this feature to simplify your exploration journey and save your time on searching through dozens of databases. With Database Filtering, you can create, apply, and edit various filters for your databases and reset view when necessary. This functionality enables you to improve the processes of finding and using particular objects in the Database Explorer.
You might have numerous Connections with lots of databases and tons of objects in them. Database Filtering will reduce your time and effort sorting through all of them manually. By applying appropriate filters, you'll be able to find all the needed database objects in seconds.
- To use this feature, click on the filter symbol (
) on the right from the Connections field and select Create Filter
- In the pop-up, name your Connection Filter and select the needed Connections
- Unfold the lists of the Connections' objects and select databases you want to see in the Database Explorer (Database Explorer)
- Click Save & Apply, and enjoy a quick, smooth navigation through dozens of objects
- If you need to set up other filters or edit some of them, go back to the filter menu (
) and select a corresponding tab - Apply Filter / Edit Filter
By default, as soon as you've created and applied a filter, Coginiti will display the filtered Database Explorer. If you want to get back to an entire tree of all your objects, click on the filter symbol () again and select Reset View.
Context Menu for Database Explorer
Opportunity to Refresh Databases Objects and Connections
- When you make some changes in your database entry, right-click on this database's parent object to see the context menu. Then, select Refresh for those changes to appear for viewing.
- If you change several database objects, right-click on a parent connection and select Refresh.
- In general, the refreshing feature is available for databases, connections, and schemas.
- When using Data Upload, you should Refresh the parent database.
🔎 TIP: When objects are created there is a requirement do manually Refresh in Object browser to see in listed and for autocomplete
- To use this feature, right-click on a needed object and select a Script you'd like to implement from the list of options presented in a context menu. For every specific connection, Coginiti supports a particular set of scripts.
- After you clicked on a needed Script, Coginiti displays it in a query editor tab where you can work with it further.
- Coginiti provides a wide range of individual scripts for each connection type. Our main script types are the following:
- Select
- Insert
- Update
- Delete
- Rename
🔎 TIP: We frequently expand our script base, but if you need any new, specific script,
don't hesitate to send us your requests at support@coginiti.co
Data Review
This menu option is available for Tables and Columns only.
- To use this feature, right-click on a needed table or column and select the Data review type from the list of options presented in the context menu.
- Aginity provides such Data Review categories as:
- Show Top 100
- Show Distinct Top 100
- Find Duplicate Records
Copy Name and Path
- You can copy an object's or connection's name by using the context menu and paste it in the Editor Space pressing Ctrl+V / ⌘+V
- And do the same if you need to copy the path to an object, just select Copy Path
- To open up an editor tab, click on Create a new tab at the center of the editing space or on the (+) symbol at the top left corner of the editing space
Quick Actions from Database Explorer
Currently, you can do the following quick actions from our Database Explorer.
SQL Statement Generation
- To generate typical SQL statements from Tables or Views, right-click on a needed object.
- In the context menu, navigate to Scripts and choose an appropriate script, as shown below.
Selective SQL Generation on a Set of Columns
- To generate SQL statements for a set of Columns within a Table or View, hold Ctrl / ⌘ and multi-select columns as shown below
- Now you can generate your SQL statement via the Scripts feature
🔎 TIP: Make sure you don't have table and column names selected at the same time.
If you do so, Coginiti will generate a statement for an entire table.
Drag and Drop Capabilities
- You can drag and drop any object from the Database Explorer into the Query Panel, and Coginiti will insert an object name in SQL.
- Double-clicking on objects expands the Database Explorer tree
Copy JDBC Connection String
- Right-click on a needed connection (Top level of the tree) and select Copy Connection String to Clipboard
- You will get the full JDBC URI which helps debug your Coginiti Connections
🔎 TIP: See our Debugging JDBC Connectivity Issues knowledge base article for details
Database Explorer Preferences
This feature allows you to set your own settings for the Database Explorer.
- Go to the main navigation panel at the top
- Select user profile icon in the top-left and select Settings.
- In the pop-up, click on the Database Explorer. Here you'll see an additional menu
- Tick the preferences you'd like to set and specify Cached connection time idle time
- If you need a detailed description on each preference option—point your cursor over the (i) symbol and check the information
- When you're done, click Apply and then OK to save your changes
Platform Support for Database Objects
Coginiti offers support for a wide range of objects for multiple Connections—Views, Tables, Schemas, Columns, ML Models, Tasks, Functions, and much more. If you can't find an object you're looking for in the list you have in your Database Explorer, it is not currently supported for that particular connection. But this is not something that should upset you!
We regularly create new functionality and upgrade our platform, doing new releases biweekly. So, when you see that you require support for a specific object in a certain connection or Coginiti lacks some other feature you really need—please contact us right away with your request at support@coginiti.co