Postgres, Tanzu Greenplum, Amazon RDS, and Amazon Aurora

Managing Connections is easy. Here are the steps:

  1. To add a new connection, navigate to the File tab and click on Edit Connections, or press [⌘ + O] | [Ctrl + O].
  2. In the dialog box, click the Add icon (➕) next to the Connections header and select Greenplum or Postgres.

3. To finish creating a connection, enter valid data in the fields of the New connection dialog.


  • Connection name – Replace the default New Connection with a meaningful value.
  • Database JDBC DRIVER – Specify user drivers for the data source, or click the 'download them' link below this field settings area. For detailed instructions on setting up drivers, see Add a user driver to an existing connection.
  • Host – Enter the hostname of your Greenplum or Postgres server.
  • Port – The default value is
  • Subprotocol (Only for Greenplum databases) – Select either generic PostgreSQL or Greenplum syntax.
  • User and Password – Enter your Greenplum or Postgres credentials.
  • Database – By default, Aginity will use Postgres.
  • SSL Mode – You have several options to set up the SSL mode:
  1. Disable – when SSL is disabled, the connection is not encrypted.
  2. Prefer – SSL is going to be used if the server supports it.
  3. Allow – SSL is going to be used if the server requires it.
  4. Require – SSL is always required.
  • Connection timeout (sec) – Specify the value to tell the session when to disconnect.
  • Advanced Properties – Supply additional JDBC parameters if needed.
  1. Click Test to ensure that the connection to the data source is successful.
  2. Click Save. A newly created connection will be displayed in your Database Explore panel just right under the Connections header.

🔎 NOTE: If you need more advanced information on how to set up a Greenplum or Postgres connection, please, contact us through

🔎 TIP: Check other configurable parameters supported within Postgres' JDBC driver

🔎 TIP: When specifying a client certificate in the advanced options, the certificate and key need to be in DER format. In this example, client certificate and key generated by Google Cloud SQL are converted with OpenSSL:

openssl x509 -inform pem -in client-cert.pem -outform der -out client-cert.der

openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -outform DER -in client-key.pem -out client-key.pk8 -nocrypt

In this situation, the full path to these files should be specified in the connection:


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