Working with Errors in the Query Panel

Error Positioning

This feature makes it easier to find the problematic area when query execution returns an error. Coginiti provides you with the following data:

  • Clickable link in the error itself to navigate directly to its position
  • Editor line number and position
  • Absolute character position in the editor so you can match up the error message position with your cursor's location

Navigation to an Error Using Keyboard

Coginiti makes finding errors in your queries even faster if you just click our default Ctrl + \ shortcut and navigate directly to an error. For your convenience, if needed, you can change this shortcut using our Command Palette.

The 'Navigate' submenu with the 'Error' and 'Line' commands is accessible under the 'File' menu, as shown below.

Screenshot 2023-08-31 at 4.31.37 PM.png

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