How to Configure Object Stores


Everything in one place. It usually requires multiple tools to access data in object stores like Amazon S3 or Azure Blob Storage. Coginiti Object Stores integration eliminates the back-and-forth of multiple time-sensitive platforms and makes managing your buckets and objects easy.

With the Coginiti Object Stores, you can reach your data in a few clicks, access all your objects, and manage them directly from the application.

How to configure a connection

  1. Go to Files > Edit Object Stores
  2. Set all credentials
  3. Save to see the Object Stores connection list on the left side.

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To configure your connection, you will need to fill in all credentials as follows.

If you have limited access to Amazon S3, Azure Blob Storage, or Google Cloud, you can manually set the bucket/ container names separated by a comma to specify the ones you need to access and avoid permission errors.

Amazon S3 Credentials

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  1. Connection Name – Choose a unique and meaningful name
  2. Object Store Type 
  3. Access Key ID
  4. Secret Access Key 
  5. Region – If you only have one connection configuration, you can select only one region. But to work with buckets from multiple areas, you must create different connections.
  6. Buckets – An optional comma-separated list of buckets you wish to display

To configure Amazon S3 in Coginiti you need the following permissions:

  • s3:ListBucket
  • s3:GetBucketLocation
  • s3:GetObject
  • s3:PutObject - for uploading files
  • s3:DeleteObject - for deleting files/folders

       Azure Blob Storage Credentials

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  1. Connection Name – Choose a unique and meaningful name  
  2. Object Store Type
  3. Storage Account name 
  4. Key
  5. Blob Containers – An optional comma-separated list of containers you wish to display

To configure Azure Blob in Coginiti you need the following permissions:

  • storage_account
  • access_key

These permissions also mean you have full access to all storage.


Google Cloud Storage Credentials

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  1. Connection Name
  2. Object Store Type
  3. Authentication - Enter with "Service Account" or "User Account"
  4. Private Key - Click the folder icon to upload the Private Key file
  5. Project ID
  6. Buckets – An optional comma-separated list of buckets you wish to display

Permissions you need to configure your Google Cloud Storage

  • storage.buckets.get
  • storage.buckets.list
  • storage.objects.list
  • storage.objects.create - for uploading files
  • storage.objects.delete - for deleting files/folders
  • storage.objects.get - for downloading files

If you have several credential sets, you can create as many Object Stores connections as you need with different credentials.


Upcoming: Our team is working on adding other object stores and more. Soon, you can search for your objects and publish files to object storage with the possibility of scheduling them.


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